C plugin

This page will explain how to write a C plugin for proxenet.

Plugin skeleton

#include <sys/types.h>

typedef struct info {
    const char* AUTHOR;
    const char* PLUGIN_NAME;
} c_plugin_info_t;

c_plugin_info_t MyPlugin = {
    .AUTHOR = "",
    .PLUGIN_NAME = ""

int proxenet_request_on_load()
    return 0;

int proxenet_request_on_leave()
    return 0;

char* proxenet_request_hook(unsigned long request_id, char *request, char* uri, size_t* buflen)
    return request;

char* proxenet_response_hook(unsigned long response_id, char *response, char* uri, size_t* buflen)
    return response;

int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp)
    return 0;

Note: As you may have noticed, the definitions for the functions proxenet_request_hook() and proxenet_response_hook() have an extra argument. This argument, buflen is a pointer to a size_t variable, which will contain the size of the request. Every plugin that modifies the length of the request/response MUST update this value. See the example below for demonstration.

proxenet does not recognize plain C files so it should be compiled first as a shared object. The following command might just do the trick:

$ cc -Wall -Werror -fPIC -shared -o MyPlugin.so MyPlugin.c


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

typedef struct info {
                const char* AUTHOR;
                const char* PLUGIN_NAME;
} c_plugin_info_t;

c_plugin_info_t MyPlugin = {
    .AUTHOR = "hugsy",
    .PLUGIN_NAME = "AddHeader"

int proxenet_request_on_load()
    return 0;

int proxenet_request_on_leave()
    return 0;

char* proxenet_request_hook(unsigned long request_id, char *request, char* uri, size_t* buflen)
    const char* header = "X-Powered-By: c-proxenet\r\n\r\n";
    char* newReq = malloc(*buflen + strlen(header) + 2);
    memcpy(newReq, request, *buflen-2);
    memcpy(newReq + (*buflen-2), header, strlen(header));
    *buflen = *buflen + strlen(header) + 2;
    return newReq;

char* proxenet_response_hook(unsigned long response_id, char *response, char* uri, size_t* buflen)
    return response;

int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp)
    return 0;