Controlling proxenet

Every proxenet session creates a control socket. This socket is a Unix socket (AF_UNIX) and by default by to /tmp/proxenet-control-socket. Proxenet can be controlled 3 ways, via this socket.

Raw client

The most basic way to connect and interact with proxenet, is simply by using a netcat (or equivalent) tool.

$ nc -U /tmp/proxenet-control-socket

This interface is extremely basic, but provides all the features configurable in proxenet. However, the response will be formatted in JSON, which may not make it easy to read and understand for a human.

So from here, you can either build your own client in the language of your choice, or use the Python client provided.

Python terminal client

The Python control client for proxenet does not require any dependencies, as all the libraries used are built-in with any Python > 2.5.

$ python /path/to/proxenet/


Web interface

The most user friendly way to interact with proxenet is through the web interface. The Python will spawn a small web HTTP service that will allow you to do all the same manipulations that the Python terminal client allowed you to, but in a more Web App pentester friendly way.

The only requirement for this to work is python-bottle, which can be easily installed through pip:

# pip install bottle                 # for a system-wide installation
$ pip install --user bottle          # for a user specific installation

And then, simply run

$ python /path/to/proxenet/

By default, the HTTP service listens on TCP port 8009.
