proxenet runtime

Let's start

Simply invoke help !

$ ./proxenet --help
proxenet v0.2
Written by hugsy < @__hugsy__>
Released under: GPLv2

Compiled with support for :
        [+] 0x00   Python     (.py)
        [+] 0x01   C          (.so)
        [+] 0x02   Perl       (.pl)

        proxenet [OPTIONS+]

    -t, --nb-threads=N          Number of threads (default: 10)
    -b, --lbind=bindaddr            Bind local address (default: localhost)
    -p, --lport=N               Bind local port file (default: 8008)
    -l, --logfile=/path/to/logfile      Log actions in file
    -x, --plugins=/path/to/plugins/dir  Specify plugins directory (default: ./plugins)
    -X, --proxy-host=proxyhost              Forward to proxy
    -P  --proxy-port=proxyport              Specify port for proxy (default: 8080)
    -k, --key=/path/to/ssl.key      Specify SSL key to use (default: ./keys/proxenet.key)
    -c, --cert=/path/to/ssl.crt     Specify SSL cert to use (default: ./keys/proxenet.crt)
    -v, --verbose               Increase verbosity (default: 0)
    -n, --no-color              Disable colored output
    -4,                     IPv4 only (default)
    -6,                     IPv6 only (default: IPv4)
    -h, --help              Show help
    -V, --version               Show version

Explaining Runtime

When started, proxenet will start initializing plugins and appending them to a list only if they are valid (filename convention and syntaxically valid). Then it will start looking for events.

$ ./proxenet -4 -t 20 -vvv
INFO: Listening on localhost:8008
INFO: Adding Python plugin 'DeleteEncoding'
INFO: Adding Python plugin 'InjectRequest'
INFO: Adding Lua plugin 'InjectRequest'
INFO: Adding Python plugin 'Intercept'
INFO: Plugins loaded
INFO: 4 plugin(s) found
Plugins list:
|_ priority=1   id=1   type=Python    [0x0] name=DeleteEncoding       (ACTIVE)
|_ priority=2   id=2   type=Python    [0x0] name=InjectRequest        (ACTIVE)
|_ priority=2   id=3   type=Lua       [0x1] name=InjectRequest        (ACTIVE)
|_ priority=9   id=4   type=Python    [0x0] name=Intercept            (ACTIVE)

In this example, 4 plugins were automatically loaded and will be executed on every request/response. This is important to keep in mind.

proxenet allows you to interact with the engine through a Unix socket, by default located at /tmp/proxenet-control-socket. You can connect using ncat command, and display help menu help with help command:

$ ncat -U /tmp/proxenet-control-socket
Welcome on proxenet control interface
Type `help` to list available commands
>>> help
Command list:
quit            Leave kindly
help            Show this menu
pause           Toggle pause
info            Display information about environment
verbose         Get/Set verbose level
reload          Reload the plugins
threads         Show info about threads

For those unfortunate that do not have ncat, a client is provided. Simply run the Python script

Keys and associated functionalities are (I hope) explicit enough :)

Commands can also be triggered using command line (for scripting for example)

$ echo "plugin toggle 1"| ncat -U /tmp/proxenet-control-socket
Welcome on proxenet control interface
Type `help` to list available commands
>>> Plugin 1 is now ACTIVE